Sunday, November 6, 2011

Aidil Adha Without Family: Not That Bad

Peace Be Upon You...

Hope everyone that celebrate AidilAdha no matter where you are have a blessed and blast one. Hari ni saya sambut AidilAdha tahun kedua dengan jayanya bukan bersama keluarga, 11000km away from hometown where I was born..hehhe. Kalu fikir pasal fact kejauhan dgn family tu kadang2 terasa la jugak bibit kesedihan tu tp sebenarnye saya okay sje kat sini.With friends around me utk menceriakan hari saya, tak terasa sunyi ataupon bosan sebenarnye. Dengan jayanye hari ni sambutan raya haji berlangsung dengan agak meriah boleh saya katakan. Majlis bermula pukul 8 pg bila kami seramai lebih kurang 50 org berkumpul di dewan kecil di Uni untuk takbir dan seterusnye semayang sunat AidilAdha bersama-sama. Masa kawan2 lelaki takbir bersama kawan perempuan takbir tu terasa lah jugak sayunye tp okey lah lg, takdelah sampai menitiskan airmata..hehehe. Saya ni bukan yg jenis lembut hati sebenarnye, jd kalu pasal raya2 ni masih keras tak rase ape-ape. Tengok kawan2 yg berair2 mata tu kesian la plak dekat diorang. After solat, we had a small feast continuation of last night event which was raya celebration campur dgn Diwali sekali. The food that we have of course lah tak semeriah makanan yg we will definitely gobble when back in Malaysia. Apa-pun, we all very grateful sbb boleh bersama kawan2 yg sekapal beraya bersama. Then we had a small photography session sesama sendiri..ada plak yg bajet nk anta ke salam perantauan tahun depan la tu..aishhh. And that was my raya day, after all thing were finish went back to Village and wander around friends' houses pergi beraya la konon. Went back home at 12 noon solat zohor semuanya and tidur, pathetic sungguh. Semalam sebelum tidur sempat lagi call rumah tny pasal sambutan raya diorang and mum said everything was running smoothly as my brother was doing Akikah my little twin nephews. Hmm teringin jgk nk tengok muka budak2 kecik tu. Tengok melalui video call skype langsung tak jelas, kelabu asap aje. But thats okay lah cuz I'm planning of going back home next summer break so it shouldn't be a problem, but I'm gonna miss the time to play with them when they were very small lah...Kalu mcm tu kene ada anak sendirilah ye.hohoho.. Well thats all about my raya haji celebration  here in University College Plymouth Marjon, county of Devon, small but meaningful. And below are bunch of photos during last night and today, and gladly saying that I was lucky enough get a prize during cabutan bertuah event last night, weirdly this is the first time in my life to get a prize in lucky draw..huhuh (*_*)

So glad to receive a prize regardless whats inside the box

Aidil Adha berlatar belakangkan Autumn landscape..

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Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
Servant of Allah who try to better herself everyday.