Saturday, February 19, 2011

A good actor...


Cuaca sangat cerah hari ni, rasa sangat seronok sekali walaupon tak keluar kemana2. Duduk dalam bilik aje pon rase seronok sbb cuaca elok dan buat makluman sekarang  ni suhu dah makin warm. Itulah yang saya nanti2 kan selama winter ni. X sabar nak tunggu suhu naik belas2 celcius gitu, x lah kene pakai baju berlapis2 lagi. Oh berbalik kepada tajuk yang saya nyatakan diatas; ia berkaitan dengan experience saya pada hari khamis iaitu kelmarin. I went to a school to do some volunteer work with the students there. It is a primary school called Pomphlet Primary School located in Kampoung Plymouth nyer city center. The school is having an art week,so we went there to teach them some art work even though saya ni x creative langsung orangnyer. The teacher basically asked us to teach the students art work relating to the place that we came from which I obviously lah came from Malaysia. Punyelah fenin pikir nak ajar ape budak2 tu nnt. Nak ajar tarian joget, badan keras macam kayu, nak ajar nyanyi lagu2 budak suara macam katak. Last2 sekali kitorang pikirlah nak ajar diorang ni menganyam tikar, tp x la guna daun mengkuang guna kertas aje sudah. Impossible lah kalau nak cari daun mengkuang kat sini. On that day I have to sacrifies my morning sleep...arrghh. Pkol 8 pg taxi driver came picked us up at our Uni and brought us there. It was nice that the school paid our fare as a gratitude for our kindness to help their student. I got to take year 2 (which consist of 6,7 year old kids) student with my other friend. My other 3 friend need to handle reception years which consist kids of 4,5 years old. We started our session with telling them story about Mahsuri which they did not understand but the best thing about them was they were so curious to know even though the did not understand about what we're talking about. So cool these kids. Then we proceed the activity by demonstrating how to weave a mat. They were so excited to learn and the class became slightly chaos because at first diorang ni x dapat tangkap apa yg saya ajar tp lepas tunjuk pelan2 diorang lagi excited nak buat. Ada sorang ni lepas sekali tujuk dah pandai, memang kembang hidung saya tengok dia (padahal budak tu mmg kretaif pon, x de kaitan ngan cikgu yg demonstrate). Ada pulak yg bongkak cakap " Oh this is easy, I've done this before", tp sampai ke sudah buat x menjadi-jadi, mmg nak kene ketuk budak ni. Ada pulak yang kite betulkan dia dia buang yg kite buat tu pastu buat yang silap balik...mmg macam2 budak ni x larat nak cerita. Punyelah seronok diorang buat sampai cikgu diorang pon join sekaki ngan budak2 tu. Apart from that I also taught them some origami like a bookmark and a ball. Cerita pasal a good actor tu start here (bkn main pnjg lg mukaddimah ye). There was this little girl yg namanyer saya x ingat, a very cute girl kept coming to me asking me to help her on almost everything. She started with the mat weaving: she came to me and asked me to help her with the weaving saying "Miss I do not know how to do this, could you help me with this?". Saya dengan bangganya tunjuk ajar dia with the first piece of paper and later asked her to continue on her own. She went and then came back to me with the mat again suruh ajar balik. Alih-alih dia cakap " Can you do this for me?" Dlm hati cakap apehal budak ni suruh cikgu pulak yg buat utk dia and refused her request. Then on the next origami activity she came to me again suruh ajar buat bookmark and ended the same way as she asked me to do it for her instead. Mmg nak kene betol la budak ni. On colouring session with their homeroom teacher she again and again kept coming back to me to ask for help, I pon tolong la dia kaler dio punye kertas. When I was busy colouring with her,  a boy came to me and suruh ajar buat origami and suddenly the girl took her dragon cutting and said to that boy " Do it for me!!!" in a loud voice.Terkezut beruk saya, aihh budak ni apehal nak tengking2 orang. Depan saya bukan main cakap cute2 mintak  tolong ngan kawan dia tengking2 lg. Mmg diktator betol. Dah la pemalas, diktator plak tu, mmg saya tertipu lah dengan perwatakan kiut budak sorang ni...haishh..
Mmg penat nak melayan kerenah budak2 anak mat saleh yg mulut macam popcorn ni, ada aje yg nak ditanya. Apepon the volunteering was very fun walaupon penat and I am looking forward to the next programme instead.

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Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
Servant of Allah who try to better herself everyday.