Monday, February 7, 2011

Clear Day

A week of February had gone. I'm not sure whether we are still in winter season or the Spring is already approaching. But one thing for sure is the weather is kinda like change a little. The previous pouring rain has decrease a little and the chilly weather has gotten a little bit warmer now. But some obvious thing has occurred lately; which is the wind. These 3-4 days, winds has conquered this place. It's been a windy day for us here. The thing is, the temperature has gone warmer by little but the wind has made it even colder I guess. I don't dare to walk around the village after finishing class because of the wind. Sometimes it can be a very strong wind that I feel like some kinda storm is coming but luckily it hasn't. Wlaopon berangin kuat sekarang ni tp masih lg sempat mengerjakan pekerjaan yg perlu spt went shopping for groceries at ASDA supermarket and went out to city on weekends. Semangat keluar berjalan x patah sbbnya if I stayed in the house all week long then it would be very boring. Dah la kampung Pelajar ni kecik, Uni kitorang pon extra kecik memanglah mati kutu duduk kat rumah saje2 x buat ape2.

The sky is clear now ( Sorry for the dirty window..hehe)
Last weekend I went to the city center out of the blue. I just felt like walking around rather than hibernating at home doing nothing except for skyping my sisters back in my hometown. Then on the way there sempat la saya menyinggahkan diri kat carboot sale nak cuci mata tengok ade ape2 barang yg menarik tak. Tengok punye tengok ada jugak la yang menarik dan berkenan di hati apalagi belasah la. Lagipon barang2 kat situ murah aje dan sangat bersesuaian dengan bajet yang ciput.Boleh dikatakan semua ada dari alat permainan, periuk belanga, anak patung, basikal, barang2 antik, barang pertukangan dan serba serbi lah. The most important thing is you kena pandai pilih dan pandai berlakon dengan all the sellers there. Diorang ni sebenarnye bukan full time seller. They just went there to sell their unwanted stuff and they're doing it on daily basis. Masing2 ada pekerjaan tetap cuma nak menghabiskan masa lapang. If we want something, kene berlakon yang kite x minat sangat nak beli barang tu,nnt penjual tu kasi murah sikit. Hehehe. Kalao muka kita nampak sangat excited and really want that thing the seller won't give u any discount coz they know u would want to buy it even it is a bit expensive.

That day I found something that I've been looking for; a belt. Luckily for me, I got it for a very dirt cheap price. It's only 50p. 50 sen la gamaknya tp kalau di convert ke ringgit Malaysia jd RM 2.50 la, tp still murah kan? 
Inilah rupanya benda itu...
The belt is very mint condition
Tengok punye tengok ada la jenama jugak bendenya tu. Dorothy Perkins lagi. Tpx taulah itu punye ori ke tak? Tp x kesah lah sebab tengok dr barangnye berkualiti. Alhamdulillah dapat barang murah dan elok.

Dorothy Perkins?

Some of the things I manage to grab at Jualan Bonet Kereta
  Inipon saya dapati di jualan bonet kereta juga. Bukan sekadar yang kecik macamni je, tp yang besar, comel dan lagi pelik pon ada. Disamping itu sempat tangkap gambar kenangan pokok2 yang masih x berdaun sebelom bertumbuh dengan meriahnya lepas ni...
The trees are still bare.

 Dah usai pusing satu parking lot yang agak luas tu saya pon beredar ke Pekan Plymouth pulak untuk mengunjungi Pusat membeli belah yang kecik lagi comel. Armada namanya. Kat luar agakgempak tp bila masuk kat dalam agak lafrust hati bila cuma ada satu kedai shj yg jual baju..kwang kwang kwan, pastu ada la 2 buah hypermarket yang macam Pacific rupe dia lepas tu dah parking lot. Heeheh tu ajelah yang boleh dibuat kat sini tp saya bersyukur sbb x banyak shopping complex yg gempak2 jd x banyak la duit melayang ye..

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Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
Servant of Allah who try to better herself everyday.